Thursday, November 27, 2008

Getting Stuck, What to do.

Ok so you are in a rut and figure that you are taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back. Think again. Because a positive thought, action, or emotion is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative one as long as you pull yourself out of it you are on the right path to your authentic self.

So don't fret about, focus on the now and the positive and move on. Some venting may occur so get it out and leave it where it lies and walk away from it.

Of all days I had this happen today, Thanksgiving. Oh well, it is done and left behind and I have moved forward with gratitude and love and am ready to create joy and happiness again.

We all get swept up with a little negativity once in a while, just pull yourself up and go forward. If you slip into the rut put it in four wheel drive and get back on track.

Check out Harmonic Wealth By James Ray

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